Saturday, 20 July 2013

Smoking Liquor - A Rising Trend Among Consumers

Smoking alcohol – what is it
There is this new trend observed among the alcohol consumers of today in which the liquor is consumed in the form of a smoke. For smoking alcohol, a container is filled with liquor and dry ice or air pumped into it. The vapors coming out of the solution are thus inhaled for an instant intoxication. Some consumers have also adopted the ordinary hookah for smoking alcohol.
What experts say
Health experts are much concerned about the rising popularity of this kind of liquor consumption as this has great potential of causing irreparable damage to the person’s brain. Instead of using the liver and the stomach to absorb alcohol, this method bypasses the digestive system entirely and sends the liquor directly to the brain and the lungs. This will surely result into an instant high but will omit the body’s warning signs that alert the person that they have consumed too much of it and should slow down. The risks associated with this kind of consumption are alcohol overdose, liquor poisoning, alcohol brain damage, addiction to liquor, to name a few. 

Misconceptions about smoking liquor
Many teens and kids are coming to know about this method of liquor consumption and they believe that this method is legal for kids however it is illegal to be consumed by a person less than 21 years of age, same as drinking it pure. They also think that they can cheat their parents and even police by consuming fluid straight through smoking. Some people adopt this method for cutting on their calorie intake however this doesn’t work much.
False videos and information available on the internet regarding smoking alcohol is luring kids and teens to try this new method which is extremely dangerous and can cause damage and even death. Parents needs to be extra cautious about what their children are doing and make them aware of the dangerous effects of smoking alcohol.  

Friday, 28 June 2013

Ways to Combat with Alcohol Abuse Damage to the Body

Although the people are well-aware of the ill-effects of alcohol, yet its consumption continues to grow in several people especially among the younger generation. Consuming large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis for a long time period can significantly lead to certain irreversible mental and physical damages.
Effects of Alcohol Abuse and Preservation Measures…
Alcohol abuse can have far-reaching effects on the body, it can affect liver, pancreas and can cause severe brain damage as well. In order to preserve the effects of alcohol, it is advised to immediately stop drinking and follow certain right steps.
Practice Sobriety: It has been proved in a survey that the longer an alcoholic person remains sober, the better his cognitive function will become. This is however the first step in repairing the damage to the brain caused due to years and years of alcohol excessive use.
Milk Thistle Seeds: Since excessive use of alcohol can cause liver damages, taking milk thistle seeds have shown considerable scope in enhancing and repairing the liver functions. They may not work for everyone however taking them is still recommended.
Start Working Out: The body typically cleanses the toxins in the system from the pores, working out will lead to a good level of sweating and moreover the body will better oxygenate itself, this will ultimately help in general repair of the body and its systems.
And a Wholesome Diet: A wholesome diet along with enough exercise is the essential of a good health and thus by losing a desirable weight and by taking few extra vitamins, an alcohol related brain damage situation can be managed.
A patient can take low-fat diets along with good amount of whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables for losing weight and to lessen the stress on the body. Intake of antioxidants more from a natural resource such as vitamin D heavy foods is also advised.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Alcohol Related Health Problems and Solutions

With the altered lifestyle which now consists of high consumption of alcohol and poor diet intake has lead the people to develop a number of unrelenting physical and mental conditions. The statistics are not really good at all depicting a huge of amount of population in the nation suffering from alcohol related health issues. Here is how this damage is caused.

Health Issues related to Alcohol Abuse…

Excess of everything is indeed harmful. The same holds true for alcohol as well. The excess intake of alcohol causes the blood vessels in the stomach to absorb it which is carried to the body and brain through the blood. This can eventually result in irreversible injuries to the body and at times death. The primary parts that are affected and are at risk are heart and livers, other problems may be gastrointestinal disorders, peptic ulcers and increased blood pressure.

In addition to the effects on the body that may result in cancers of throat, liver, stomach and mouth, the repeated and excessive consumption may also cause neurological impediments similar to that of Alzheimer’s also known as alcohol dementia. 

Alcohol Prevention and Solution…

Diagnosis of alcohol related health issues is done through a series of tests to determine the severity of the damage. Alcohol generally leaches nutrients from several vital functions of the body. Hence the nutritional loss can be balanced by consuming the right vitamin supplements. For instance, an alcohol related disease called korsakoffs syndrome is caused mainly due to the deficiency of vitamin B1 in the brain, thus a balanced diet can effectively help to reduce the effects of alcohol.

The best solution is to stop the alcohol intake and begin to follow a healthy diet. However if the patient has reached a critical condition in which reversing cannot be accomplished, and then it is ideal to halt the further development. Caring for such individuals can be a little challenging task; however this is facilitated by care homes who are dedicated to care for patients with alcohol related injuries.